
About Backingtrack.org

Backingtrack.org is a community where every musicians, playing any kind of instrument can share and find the best Backing Track sorted by tonality, genre, mode, and tempo.


Train your ears, no matter what instrument you play, find a track to work on. Choose a tonality, genre, mode or even tempo to express yourself.


You have not been forgotten. There is special selection just for you. Discover the
Drumfree catalog in the menu

Backing Tracks Producers

BackingTrack.org is a great tool to get your tracks famous. Publish your Youtube videos and all the views will be added to your Youtube views, don’t hesitate to put links to your website and promote your other tracks.

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Thanks to all backing tracks authors for creating quality public content for people to play on. Please consider showing them your support or purchase their tracks.

Thanks to Marjorie Philippe for the Graphic Design, her website here marjoriephilippe.com.

Thanks to The Strangers for allowing us to use their stage pictures.

All videos (backing tracks) are the properties of their authors, BackingTrack.org provides only a embed link of their own public upload via public sharing video websites (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.). If you wish to remove your video from BackingTrack.org, please contact us

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